Spider Behavior
While unnerving, spiders are actually incredibly beneficial for ridding
your property of other pests, such as flies and silverfish. They utilize
your property to build their homes, typically entering your space through
chimneys, ventilation, and windows. The vast majority of spiders do not
bother humans and try to build their webs and retreats in dark, covered,
and secluded areas. However, when these animals feel threatened, they can bite.
A spider’s bite contains venom that is intended to help them eat,
which means it is designed for small insects like flies and moths, not
humans. So, more often than not, these bites lead to nothing more than
a raised itchy bump. However, the very young and the elderly might have
more of an extreme allergic reaction, so contact a medical professional
if you suspect a problem.
Our Spider Specialists Can Restore Your Peace of Mind
Our skilled professionals at Axis Pest Control are not only highly knowledgeable
about spider biology and behavior—able to identify the type of spider
on your property—but can also customize your treatment to meet your
specific needs. When you call, we arrive quickly, thoroughly evaluate
your space, offer a free estimate, and get straight to work treating the
inside and outside of your property. We also believe in keeping our customers
as informed as possible, so we offer our honest recommendations on how
to limit spider issues in the future, and provide continuous treatment
options to keep your property pest-free all year long.
Give our Las Vegas spider exterminators a call at
(702) 879-5852 or
reach out online and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.